Your Questions and our Answers about the Coastguard Association and the work we are involved in within the UK.
Q. What is the Coastguard Association?
A. The Coastguard Association is a registered charity (Charity No 279359). It was established in 1976 to help Coastguard personnel and their families from all over the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man in their time of need. The charity has the blessing and full support of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency.
Q. Who do we help?
A. We seek to help any serving or retired (by age or medically) Coastguard personnel and their families in times of genuine hardship, poverty or distress. Each claim is treated on its merit in a prompt, confidential and sympathetic manner. More details here.
Q. What about local branches funds?
A. As Trustees, we strive to complement branches, not compete with them, and on many occasions we work in conjunction with them to finance more expensive cases. Many branches do not have their own funds and look exclusively to us to fulfill this area of staff welfare.
Where are the local branches? Details here:
Q. How do I Claim?
A. All claims are made through the National Welfare Officer providing the nature of hardship, a brief synopsis of events and the wider circumstances of those involved including details of dependents. Requests for assistance can be made directly or via a third party. All claims are treated in strictest confidence. More details here.
Q. How is the Coastguard Charity Fund financed?
A. We do not receive any Government or business grants, and depend entirely on voluntary donations. The Fund also has the advantage of the Treasurer being a retired bank manager and our accountant a member of Central branch. The Fund is subject to a full annual audit from the Charity Commisioners. We also present a full financial report at our Annual General Meeting each year, held during the month of April, to which all are welcome. The Trustees are all volunteers, which keeps our administrative expenditure low compared to other charities.
Q. What is our Charity Charter?
When you consider making a gift to our charity, we undertake that:
- All communications surrounding it will be honest, truthful and will comply with the law.
- Your right to privacy will be respected and you will not be subjected to any form of pressure.
- Your gift will be applied to the purpose for which it was originally requested.
- Your gift will be used in a way that preserves the dignity of the beneficiary.
- Your gift will be handled responsibly and to the greatest advantage of the beneficiary.
- Fundraisers of the Coastguard Association will consider how they meet your wishes as a donor and will be transparent in their dealings with you.
- Fundraisers will respect your needs for confidentiality and will comply with the law relating to fundraising and the use of personal data.
- Fundraisers will strive to achieve the highest professional standards at all times
- The National committee of the Coastguard Association will handle any concerns you may have relating to these points swiftly and effectively.