The Coastguard Association offers a variety of support for volunteer Coastguard Rescue Officers, full-time Coastguard personnel and retired Coastguards once they have completed a minimum term of five years service to HM Coastguard. This help can also be extended to immediate families of both serving and retired personnel.
Some examples of financial help provided includes:
- A Coastguard Rescue Officer tragically passed away having been involved in an accident off duty. His widow with two young children did not have the financial ability to pay for his funeral. One phone call to the Coastguard Association and a grant was provided to cover the basic costs.
- Assisted a young family with the costs of car parking and fuel costs when a family member had an extended hospital stay.
- Funded monitoring equipment for a teenager with additional support needs whose father is a Coastguard Rescue Officer.
- Contributed towards a holiday and respite for a family in need while dealing with exceptionally challenging circumstances.
- Provided financial assistance after surgery.
- Provided financial assistance towards a medical test so a staff member could get the support they needed.
And many more… we do not share every story but we are always here to help.
Retired Officers group.
Once a retired Coastguard (having served for a minimum of 5 years) has had their 70th birthday we would be delighted to add them to our Retired Members Mailing List.. We like to write to them every year thanking them for their service to HM Coastguard as a sign of our appreciation.
If you know someone in your local area which this applies to, then please email our Vice Chairman and we would be delighted to be able to show our thanks. We just need the following details:
- The Name of the over 70’s Coastguard
- Their full postal address and email (if they have one)
- Length of Service, and an idea of their service if you are aware of it.